As an building needs its foundation, architecture is the foundation of QreativeHome. Our main business focuses on planning and building houses and structures aswell as office buidlings and industrial complexes.

I. Contact us via Email
Let us know about your project. Tell us about the existing plot or building, give us as much information as you have and we will let you know, if both parties have a chance to come togehther creating a contract.
Contact us: info@qreativehome.com
II. Let's meet
We should follow the first contact order and meet at the site or building or if you are desiring to have "only" a design made by us, we can meet online using Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom. We will take the first meeting as a chance to clear out all ootstanding questions and build a foundation for the following phase.
III. Architects contract
We prepare an official architects contract for you. You can check it and keep your signed version of the contract. We will start the project immediately according to the regional and country-specific laws and rules. So be clear, that the process of building is individual due to every single project and can't be put into simplifies workflow phases.